Recently I found myself thinking about the small things in my life that bring me joy. Don't get me wrong, this was not some deep moment where I was "pondering the little things in my life" and "contemplating how they have made me the person I am today" (by the way, the quotes were said in a very snooty tone - you can re-read them that way if you would like.) Anyway, I was just thinking about things that make me happy and put a smile on my face. I decided that it would be fun to write a list and just see what I can come up with. Enjoy!
Dr. Pepper - Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows that I love a good Dr. Pepper. Preferably from a fountain over ice. I will drink it from a can if it's cold or from a 2 liter over ice, but my favorite is the fountain. I know I'm rather picky with my drink selection, but this is my list so I can be that way. OH! Absolutely no Mr. Pibb!! You might say it tastes the same, but ask any true Dr. Pepper drinker and they will agree with me that DP is the only way to go!!
Haribo Gummi Bears, Skittles, Hot Tamales, Milk Duds, etc., etc. - I love sweets! It's that simple. Did you notice what all of these sweets have in common? That's right! They are all chewy. So, I not only love sweets, but I love chewy sweets. Chewy sweets and braces don't mix so you can imagine how excited I was to get my braces off last September. My sweet tooth did a little happy dance!! (Okay, that was a little corny. And now I have a vision in my head of some goofy elementary school health video starring a dancing tooth.)
Hobby Lobby - Just those words make me smile. I could spend lots of time just wandering around and looking at everything. I also love that they have a 40% off coupon every other week. Oh the joy of feeling like you're getting a real bargain! I also can't go in for just one thing. I have to make a swoop through the whole store. It's one of my happy places!
Text Messages - It makes me happy when my phone makes that little sound that notifies me of a text message. It makes me even happier when it's from someone who was thinking of me and just decided to say hi. I should send more text messages like that. Maybe my message will make someone's day as much as their messages make mine.
Books - Books make me happy. I love to read and have that feeling like I have become a part of someone else's world. I don't like books that are too deep or make you think too much because for me reading is for enjoyment. (That makes me sound kind of shallow. HA!) I also love children's books and use them frequently in my classroom. I can vividly remember all of my school libraries and I remember being so excited when we had the book fair. I haven't change much I guess because I still love the book fair!
Comfy Clothes - I am not fru-fru or fancy by any means so it's not much of a surprise that I love comfy clothes. Being able to come home and change into my favorite sweats and a t-shirt is pure happiness. It's like the stress of my day goes away when I trade my work clothes for something more comfortable. And any of my teacher friends can testify to the fact that jeans day is a happy day! For some reason it just makes Fridays more bearable.
School/Office Supplies - It could be something as simple as a new roll of tape or as big as a new computer, but for some reason school and office supplies have always made me happy. I think when I was young it made me feel grown up and important to have new school supplies. Now when I get new supplies it makes me feel like I have a fresh start on something. It's the reason I get a new notebook or new fancy file folders at the beginning of every school year. I always have grand plans of using the fabulous new supplies to keep myself ridiculously organized. But who am I kidding?? I am not and will probably never be ridiculously organized. However, I will have the most fabulous disorganization system you've ever seen. Bring on the sticky notes!!
Well, that's a brief list of some things that bring me joy and maybe you can relate to some of them. While writing this and thinking of these silly things that make me smile I thought of something that isn't quite so tangible, but it is something that definitely brings me joy.
Quiet - I love to talk and laugh and sing, but at times the thing that makes me the happiest is just being quiet. There is something to be said for simply being still. We have a large framed print of Psalm 46:10 - "Be still and know that I am God" that has hung in our house for years. There have been times that it has just become a piece of artwork in our home. However, there are moments when it draws me back to where my mind and heart need to be. In the quiet I find myself still and safe in the arms of God. In these times He speaks to me and gives me peace. He changes my heart and guides my path. He heals my wounds and gives me the strength to get up and keep going. How I long for that quiet in a world that seems to have forgotten that it is okay to be still.
When I graduated from high school I got a purple Pontiac Sunbird. It was a beautiful car and I was so excited that it was mine. I was going to college at OBU and would drive to Seminole, where my parents lived, for church. It was about a thirty minute drive and after four years I had learned that inside that purple car was my prayer closet. It was my time to pray and talk to God (most of the time aloud), but it was also a wonderful chance to turn everything off and just let Him speak to me. In 2001 I got a new car and that was great, but letting that purple car go was hard because of the precious time spent with my Savior within it's doors. There are days when I long for the solitude I felt while driving those back roads between Seminole and OBU. Life is a little crazier now so it seems hard to find that time, but when I make the effort to just be still, I always feel the presence of the Lord.
I believe that God wants us to have joy and happiness in our lives even in little things like Dr. Pepper, text messages, and comfy clothes. We must remember to keep things in perspective though. My prayer for each of us is that in the midst of enjoying those little things we don't miss an opportunity to enjoy the quiet and simply be still. May you feel safe and loved in the arms of your Savior.
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